The Spanish Badminton Federation, hereinafter FESBA, was founded on December 29, 1983. It is a private collaborative company of public utility, and therefore, not-for-profit. It has its own legal status, and full capacity to exercise the purposes and powers within its competence, as governed by Law 19/1990 of October 15 for Sport, by Royal Decree 1835/1991 of December 20 regarding the Spanish Sport Federations, by the provisions in force of the Spanish sport legislation, by its Statutes, General Regulation and the remaining internal standards required in exercising its competencies. 

In addition to its own competencies, FESBA exercises public administration under the supervision and guardianship of the National Sports Council. In addition, it is affiliated with the Badminton World Federation (BWF) and Badminton Europe (BE). It is integrated into the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Spanish Olympic Committee, and represents Spain in international badminton activities and competitions.

FESBA consists of 17 autonomous badminton federations, with which it coordinates the promotion of badminton nationally. 250 clubs are associated with FESBA (in the 2014-2015 season), in addition to 6,890 athletes with national licenses, 190 referees (of different levels) and 460 Level I, II, and III trainers.

FESBA, as established in its Statutes, does not accept any type of discrimination due to age, race, gender, opinion or any other personal or social conditions or circumstances.

FESBA employs 6 persons full-time and 3 part-time.

On March 21, 2015, the FESBA General Assembly approved the amendment to its Statutes to include para-badminton within the scope of its competencies, and after the 2015-2016 season, it will take over the organisation of the national and international competencies of para-badminton and will form part of the Spanish Paralympic Committee (SPC) and International Paralympic Committee (IPC).

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