The Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) is a member of the International Olympic Committee and is the authority for all regulations and managing of the sportive activities within Italy. It’s a public organization in charge of the organization and promotion of Italian sports and its latter communication. Following the recent regulatory amendments of Decree Law No. 15 of 8 January 2004, CONI forms the Confederation of Sports Federations and Associated Disciplines. Permanently established on 9 and 10 June 1914 in Rome, today CONI has a presence in 102 Provinces and 19 Regions, it endorses 45 National Sports Federations, 19 Associated Disciplines, 14 National Sports Promotional Bodies and 1 local, and 20 Meritorious Associations. These organisations represent around 95,000 sports clubs and a total of around 11 million members (Source: Istat and Censis).The School of Sport (Scuola dello Sport) of CONI, established by the Italian Olympic Committee in 1966, is the structure that works with the task of developing activities and expertise in the field of specialized training to be allocated to the various figures of operating executives in the sports world. To achieve its institutional goals, the School of Sport has been organising and coordinating, for over thirty years, initiatives in this direction, particularly with regard to training, updating and specialization, onsite or online in close collaboration with the national Sports Federations and other institutions and universities nationally and internationally, through various types of training activities.

CONI is a member of European Athlete as Student (EAS) network and European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE). Scuola dello Sport is involving in the project “Gold in Education and Elite Sport” (GEES), funded by the European Union’s Erasmus + Sport Program (see

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